Dickinson Family Logo

Family Vaction.

We love spending time as a family. It is so important. It is hard to go on family vacations since we have little kids. We recently went on a trip to Disneyland. Our kids did very well and I feel that is because our youngest is now four years old. It is still tricky but much more relaxing now that he is older.

Splash Mountain picture of family on ride.

Family Hobbies

We have a few hobbies that we like to do as a family. We love playing video games, board games and we love to read books at night as a family. We also do Mommy and Daddy dates with our kids. I just had a Mommy Date with my oldest son. We did a Mud Run together. It was a lot of fun. We did this with other members of our extended family. It was a fun family event

Mud Run with oldest son and mom

Get to know our family!

My husband and I are honestly pretty shy. Once you get to know us we are still not very outgoing but if you like to play board games, video games, watch movies or anahmas then we will deffinetly have a good time.